
    New Generation Software For Voip


    IP-telephony market faces the grand problem connected with provision of well organized traffic trading process. New generation VoIP exchange software is expected to solve the problem.

    IP telephony is a relatively new kind of telecommunication activity. It emerged in the 90's and succeeded in competing with traditional kinds of voice-to-voice communication. Still, the intermediaries supress the market's development with their high tariffs and limited capabilities. That leads to an increase in service costs for the final customers and decreases the number of available routes. As a result, profits of both sellers (terminators) and buyers (originators) fall.

    According to industry experts, IP telephony market tends to eliminate intermediaries which may lead to price-cutting for customers.

    Until recently, clearing houses have been the most popular intermediaries in VoIP traffic trading. However, even though they assume the lion's share of trading job and spare the exchange participants most routine troubles, clearing houses have a number of grave disadvantages and run the gauntlet. Having bought traffic from a terminator, they are able to sell it for a much higher price. Opponents of clearing houses argue that they are an effective money-making scheme generating a questionable value.

    IP Telephony Exchange is a new model of traffic exchange. It is already employed in the U.S. and western Europe, but is not widely used yet. De facto VoIP Exchange is an online marketplace for traffic trading with a clear market pricing basis. The model is targeted to providing more freedom to terminators and originators, therefore it is gaining popularity worldwide.

    This gradation from intermediary to close cooperation proves that IP telephony market success is becoming dependent on VoIP exchange software developers. VoIP exchange software must meet a number of requirements including every aspect of operation, such as high-quality connection, failure free compliance of equipment of any manufacturer, online statistics, etc. The automation of the process is another vital issue. Despite the claimed automation, the majority of online marketplaces are managed manually now.

    New generation VoIP exchange software is expected to solve the numerous problems of IP telephony market participants. Technopark Corp.'s new product is an innovative solution. The VoIP platform development project has been launched in August 2006.

    Dynamical routing will be the main innovation. Dynamical routing is an ability to switch to a better quality channel automatically. In so doing the system is planned to select a channel with the same capabilities and price. Dynamical routing may improve connection quality without increasing cost of a call. No VoIP exchange has provided such opportunity until now.

    The project is also aimed to enable processing the requests for origination ortermination of connections through H.323 and SIP protocols and provide a number of new useful functions as well as those already implemented by other exchanges. The software will enable overall control over the origination and termination session processes, access to detailed statistics reports for each session, supervision over service quality, advising operators on the choice of appropriate equipment, etc. The TechnoPark Corp.'s VoIP Exchange Platform is also planned to have integrated billing system.

    Final testing and product release are scheduled for October 2006. The product will be introduced to the U.S. market.

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